
Here you can find a quick overview of the pages on this website. We are starting with some descriptions about our keyword checker tools.

  • Keyword statistics tools – The main page of this website with a short overview concerning our free keyword analyzer tool.
  • Keyword density – Some information about keyword density and how the values will be calculated by the keyword checker tool.
  • Wordpress-Plugin – From this page you can download our keyword density checker tool for wordpress. It is a simple plugin, which automatically provides a quick overview of the keywords used on a specific page while writing the content. Moreover it is setting the meta-information for the specific page.
  • Keyword-Density-Checker – This is a „lite” version of the statistics tool. It only calculates the keyword densities of single posts and pages. No additional metadata will be served by your blog and no code has to be executed on page requests.
  • Bookmarklet – Here you find our small keyword analyzer tool implemented in javascript. You can simply save the provided checker by adding a link to your personal bookmarks.
  • Contact – All you need to get in contact with the author of the keyword checker scripts provided on this website.